Calling all young Idaho filmmakers! Students ages 12-19 are encouraged to create and submit a 2-3-minute video that tells a story about helping the environment. The contest winners will be recognized at several screening events and will receive cash prizes; with two honorable mentions, students have five opportunities to win.
Cash prizes are $1000 for first place, $750 for second place, and $500 for third place. The video must be submitted by March 2, 2025.
To take part in this exciting opportunity interested students should go to and complete the registration form; a teacher, parent or guardian must be part of the team.
“Our goal is to engage the next generation of environmental stewards to utilize the power of film to promote environmental action and inspire change," said Liz Alexander, President-Elect of the Nampa Rotary Club and a member of the District 5400 Environmental Sustainability Action Team (ESAT).
This contest is sponsored by District 5400’s Environmental Sustainability Action Team (ESAT). ESAT’s mission is to promote and facilitate stewardship projects and sustainability practices in support of Rotary's environmental area of focus. Do you have an interest in preserving Idaho's environment? Rotary members are encouraged to join ESAT for our monthly meetings.
For more information, call or text Liz Alexander at (208) 703-3831 or email
Young filmmakers invited to submit entries to Eco Film Fest
Golfers! Spend a great day on the beautiful Ridgecrest Golf Course and help support Hope House. To register, see
Hope House provides a home for children who are emotionally impaired, developmentally disabled, and/or come from disrupted adoptions or dysfunctional families. Our annual golf tournament benefits other non-profits in the community.
Kenton Lee served as club president in 2023-2024. He was a great leader and coordinated some amazing programs. To celebrate his awesome year, new president Amy Stahl presented Kenton with a plaque honoring him for Service Above Self. Look for Kenton in the blue Rotary shirt and a big smile on his face!
***Tomorrow's meeting is going to be held at the Hampton Inn in Nampa by the Idaho Center***
We've got a great speaker tomorrow! Come here from Travis Leach, President of Saint Alphonsus Medical Center Nampa. Make sure to invite a friend and if you see another Rotarian, make sure to remind them of the new location for tomorrow only.
Tomorrow meeting only, Tuesday, June 14th at noon location is Hampton Inn in Nampa: 5750 E Franklin Rd, Nampa, ID 83687
If you missed our meeting last week, we were able to gift a check for $5,280 to the Boys and Girls Club of Nampa to help build Reading Corners in 2 Nampa Elementary Schools (Iowa and Willow Creek).
The Boys and Girls Club of Nampa's education program is essential to what they do at BGCN, especially during the last couple of years. Trained professional staff, coupled with volunteers, implement specific, nationally developed, tried and proven programs to help kids achieve success in school and in life. In addition to homework assistance and tutoring, they encourage leisure reading, writing activities, discussions with knowledgeable adults, and educational games. During the summer, the Summer Brain Gain program that helps prevent summer learning loss has grown from 814 kids in 2019 to 936 kids who profited from that program during the summer of 2021. The program includes learning through discovery, creative expression and group work. In 2020, Boys & Girls Club of Nampa (BGCN) was awarded a 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) grant to bring up and run an education based Center at Iowa Elementary School in partnership with the Nampa School District (NSD). The success at Iowa has led to an approval of a 21st century grant at Willow Creek which will begin this Fall. Iowa and Willow Creek has grown substantially from last year, now with a daily average of 120 club members each day.
Reading Corner
A reading corner is a dedicated space where club members will be able to have access to literacy-rich books. This will influence and encourage our club members to see literacy as an interest rather than a task. This reading corner will provide English and Spanish and social and emotional development resources for students K-5th grade with comfortable and inviting furniture.
As you can see from the photos, this project was a tremendous success!
I won’t bury the headline on this one – due in part to our Nampa Rotary $10,000 district matching grant service project, the Breaking Chains Academy of Development is in the process of breaking their own records for educational achievement! They have graduated more students from their program this year than in any previous year. The Rotary Club of Nampa is proud of our grant project, and more than pleased to be making a difference in our community.
Now, to the details of the project.
More than half of the allocation was put towards badly needed educational technology items. Before this grant, the Executive Director, who is also their only full-time teacher and employee, only had books and a white board to use. Now, they have expanded to teaching in two rooms if needed, and the one has the television. They use it to supplement teaching with videos and other online activities in addition to what you see in the picture. What you see is important as well – as they can work on the tablet and have it broadcast to the television. Further, you see some unboxing of the computers for students to use for test preparation and testtaking. Before the arrival of this hardware, students would consistently be kicked out of their examination during testing because of an old computer, bad connections, and the like. This is a night and day difference that allows for regular successes! It was wonderful to see the look in their eyes as these teaching tools arrived onsite. As much as we tried to help, these teenagers really took the lead in terms of replacing the old gear and setting up the new!
The recreational activities were also important because many of these students would not otherwise have the opportunity to socialize and celebrate in this manner. These trips represent a giant leap forward for the Breaking Chains organization, adding both to the legitimacy and appeal of attending as a student. Parents and families are also grateful for positive engagement outside of the classroom. Their gratitude and smiles tell an amazing story of how much these little trips into the community were needed.
The painting project is not quite complete. You’ll see in the attached photos that a lot has been done, but all of the murals are not yet finished – though it is on the schedule be done in the very near future! Out of all of the activities that students could participate in, they find that overall, painting is the one that seems to be their favorite. That is why the students really wanted to get a professional in to assist them with some individual pieces as well as a few murals that they could assist with. Indeed, it is hard to imagine the pride they take and the focus with which they approach these opportunities. They know that when someone from the Rotary Club of Nampa shows up that we are there with a genuine heart of love and service.
Again, this project has had outsized impact in our community. We are glad to support this organization as they grow their ability to serve our community. We now have a few Rotarians who serve as board members for Breaking Chains Academy of Development, and intentional individual giving outside of the umbrella of the club as well. Our participation in these projects has created a lasting partnership that will continue to grow.
We are scheduling our year-end celebration and will be inducting our new officers for the 2022-23 Rotary year. Thankful for Jennifer Deroin who will not only be hosting us at her house, but is also the incoming President of our club! We also will be awarding the Nampa Rotary Rotarian of Year award.
We are attempting to pick the best day to host this event. Please click on the link for the one question survey on whether Saturday June 11th at 12pm or Thursday June 16th at 6pm works best.
Just a quick note that we have a change in schedule for our final 2 months of the Executive Leadership Training Series. Instead of the regular 2nd Tuesday of the month schedule, Ron Price will instead be speaking on Tuesday May 3 and Tuesday June 7. Please help us spread the word to any guests that typically show up to these sessions.
We need your help! We need ideas for this coming years club service project. This past year, with a matching $5k district grant, we were able to bless Breaking Chains Academy with a $10k service project. Other projects we have done in the past included a wellness and recovery room for the Family Justice Center and building bunk beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace. We need to submit our application for the district grant in May, so we need ideas of local organizations that we can help. Please contact our service club chair, Patrick Tanner if you have any ideas or questions.
Tomorrow's speaker will be Alejandra Hernandez. She is the Executive Director of the Unity Alliance of Southern Idaho, a Nonprofit organization with a mission of promoting an understanding of how All immigrants contribute to our region’s economy, way of life, and values. Some may remember a former Nampa Rotarian, Craig Kingsbury, current Twin Falls Police Chief who is the president of the board for this Non-Profit Organization.
Our Golf For Hope Committee is meeting tomorrow, Tuesday June 7th right after our regular Rotary meeting in the same room. We've got a great group of people for the committee already, but we're always looking for more. You don't need to be a golfer to help out on this committee. This is our clubs largest fundraiser and allows us to make a big impact on our community.
Our Golf For Hope Committee is meeting tomorrow, Tuesday May 3 right after our regular Rotary meeting in the same room. We've got a great group of people for the committee already, but we're always looking for more. You don't need to be a golfer to help out on this committee. This is our clubs largest fundraiser and allows us to make a big impact on our community.
Our Golf For Hope Committee is meeting tomorrow, Tuesday April 18th right after our regular Rotary meeting in the same room (1:15pm-1:45pm). We've got a great group of people for the committee already, but we're always looking for more. You don't need to be a golfer to help out on this committee. This is our clubs largest fundraiser and allows us to make a big impact on our community.
After a two-year COVID delay, our RYLA 5400 youth program is back for RYLA 2022!!
RYLA 2022 will be held July 28th - 31st at the College of Southern Idaho and we are now accepting applications at This application period will be open until June 1st, or until the camp is full! Please help us get the word out. Let’s recruit as many applicants as possible so that we can make RYLA 2022 the best RYLA yet!
Every summer, 100 teenagers from around Idaho share a long weekend at the College of Southern Idaho for an intensive four day leadership camp. High school students who are incoming juniors to outgoing seniors are sponsored by Rotary clubs to attend the camp, with the Rotary club paying the $450 cost. The Rotary Youth Leaders in Action camp, RYLA, is "For Youth, By Youth", meaning the camp is planned and lead by students who have previously attended. The camp is experiential; activities are hands-on and interactive, we avoid classroom style lectures.
The leadership training focuses on everyday leadership. To lead, you must believe in your own abilities. Being a leader means you work with others; seeing the world through their eyes. In the process, many life long friendships have been made. The RYLA experience is focused on guiding the students to discover a strong sense of confidence in oneself and expressing empathy for others, which is driven through the strong supportive environment created during the long weekend. RYLA allows these one hundred teenagers to identify and celebrate their abilities.
Our District conference is coming up soon, May 20-22 in Sun Valley. Here is a link for more information and to register:
All Rotarians are Encouraged to Support the Disaster Relief Fund for Ukraine. In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions.
Now through the end of April Districts can transfer unallocated DDF to support this Disaster Relief Fund
District can also apply for $25,000 grants, or those districts that border Ukraine can ask for $50,000 grants to be used from the Disaster Response Fund.
Through last week, more than $3.2 million had been donated by Rotarians to this Relief Fund.
Tomorrow's speakers will be Mari Ramos and Jose Deleon, representatives from the Idaho Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Come hear about the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce from two great local leaders!
Tomorrow, June 21st is our 12th and final Executive Leadership Training series presented by Ron Price and his colleagues at Price Associates. This has been a fantastic series and is our final meeting with Ron so make sure to show up and bring a guest!
We can't thank Ron enough for how great this series was! Not only did he deliver great content the whole year, but he donated all of his time for free to us! Make sure to show up and let Ron know how much we appreciate him!
Just a reminder that we are meeting at the James E. Hogge Nampa Business Accelerator.
The address is : 5465 E Terra Linda Way, Nampa, ID 83687 (behind CWI off Idaho Center BLVD).
If you haven't been to a meeting in a while, come join us on Tuesdays at noon!
Tomorrow (Tuesday) we are excited for our 11th session in a 12-part Executive Leadership Training series presented by Ron Price and his colleagues at Price Associates. This has been a fantastic series and we're down to our final 2 meetings so make sure to show up and bring a guest! Our final Executive Leadership Training series with Ron Price will be on Tuesday June 21st.
Just a reminder that we are meeting at the James E. Hogge Nampa Business Accelerator.
The address is : 5465 E Terra Linda Way, Nampa, ID 83687 (behind CWI off Idaho Center BLVD).
If you haven't been to a meeting in a while, come join us on Tuesdays at noon!
With Eric Schmidt becoming Vice President in July 2022, it leaves a board seat opening that we need to fill. If anybody is interested in this seat, or would like to nominate someone, please email Tim at
Tomorrow (Tuesday) we are excited for our 9th session in a 12-part Executive Leadership Training series presented by Ron Price and his colleagues at Price Associates. Tomorrow, we are excited that Jeremy Graves will be our speaker speaking on Intergenerational Leadership. This is a great meeting to invite a guest to and introduce them to Rotary and our club. You can even bring a coworker if you would like. Just a reminder that we are meeting at the James E. Hogge Nampa Business Accelerator.
The address is : 5465 E Terra Linda Way, Nampa, ID 83687 (behind CWI off Idaho Center BLVD).
If you haven't been to a meeting in a while, come join us on Tuesdays at noon!
Just a reminder of our new location that we are now meeting at the SBDC Nampa- James E. Hogge Nampa Business Accelerator at 5465 E Terra Linda Way, Nampa, ID 83687
This is a reminder that we have a new location to meet for our lunches! Our new Nampa Rotary home is at the James E. Hogge Nampa Business Accelerator.
If you can call any other Rotarians or guests and let them know of the new change, that would be great!
The address is : 5465 E Terra Linda Way, Nampa, ID 83687 (behind CWI off Idaho Center BLVD).
Just a reminder that there is no Nampa Rotary meeting on Tuesday. Instead, we have a joint meeting with Kiwanis on Thursday (Jan 20th) at noon at the Boys and Girls Club. 316 Stampede Dr, Nampa, ID 83687 . This meeting is to find out which club won the "Battle of the Bells" for the most money raised for the Nampa Salvation Army. If you have any extra donations to bring, be sure to bring them to the meeting.
Please also note the upcoming meeting location change. . Starting next week, Tuesday January 25th, our new Nampa Rotary home meeting location will be at the James Hogge Nampa Business Accelerator building.
The location is: 5465 E Terra Linda Way, Nampa, ID 83687
Please note that this building is operated by Boise State and requires masks as we enter the building until we are in our conference area.
Please reach out to any guests or other Rotarians to make sure they know of our new meeting location next week.
2 weeks ago we welcomed Greg Luhn as a new member, and last week we welcomed Drew Dotson as a new member! 2 weeks in a row we got to induct a new member! Drew is the son of Andy Dodson and works at Edward Jones. Welcome to the Nampa Rotary Club Drew and Greg!
If you missed our meeting in December, we had a wonderful Christmas program from the Hope House kids, and then we got to bless them all with a check from our club for $20,000. We were thankful that their Founder/Administrator Donna was able to attend as she was recently hospitalized for a couple weeks for Covid and Pneumonia. We are thankful that she is doing well. She was so incredibly grateful for our club's donation and said that it will go towards a new wheelchair accessible van that they are raising funds to purchase. What a great way to end the 2021 year!
Thank you to all who helped volunteer ringing the Salvation Army bell this year! What a great service and impact our club made! Remember that Thursday, January 20th Kiwanis is going to host us at the Boys and Girls Club to present the results for the Battle of the Bells. If anyone has planned on giving to the Salvation Army, they can bring their checks to this meeting and they will be counted towards our totals.
Just a heads up, we were notified last week that the Holiday Inn Express & Suites is increasing our room rental rate over 500%, which is not affordable for our club to stay. Our board is actively looking for a new place to meet. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact Tim Beck at
Once we find a new home, we will communicate on when and where we will start meeting.
Just a reminder that we will not be having a club meeting on Tuesday December 28 because of Christmas and New Years.
Our next scheduled meeting will be January 4th with Chelsea Miller from the Wyakin Foundation as our speaker. We are currently planning on meeting at our same location at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites unless we communicate otherwise.
We are super excited for tomorrow's meeting because we get to give away a lot of money to the Hope House! Our club worked so hard with our Golf For Hope fundraiser this summer and now is the exciting time were we get to present a BIG check to the Hope House. Please make sure to join us tomorrow to show your support for the Hope House. Their kids will also be performing a short Christmas program for us as well.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) we are excited for our 8th session in a 12-part Executive Leadership Training series presented by Ron Price and his colleagues at Price Associates. This is a great meeting to invite a guest to and introduce them to Rotary and our club. You can even bring a coworker if you would like.
We are excited for tomorrow's speaker who will be Evans Baiya.
Dr. Evans Baiya is a technology and innovation strategist with over fifteen years of experience in information technology, product development, innovation of health engagement solutions, semiconductor engineering, and intellectual property strategy. He has held professional positions in various sized companies, starting from a research chemist to global leadership positions in engineering management and strategic product development and marketing. His extensive global experience includes the development of technologies and strategies with companies such as Samsung, IBM, Intel, Nokia, Microsoft, Texas Instruments, World International Patent Office, and others.
Dr. Baiya holds a doctor of philosophy in engineering and technology development, a master of business administration, and has completed postgraduate studies in chemistry, electrical engineering, and business strategy and intellectual property with Harvard Business School, Harvard University.
If you haven't been to a meeting in a while, come join us on Tuesdays at noon!
As you've been hearing over the past year, some of our club members have been involved in the creation of a Wetland Peace Preserve between the Boise River and the Willow Lane Athletic Complex in Boise. This 13 acre riparian area is starting to take shape with the help of 9 Treasure Valley clubs and a collaboration with Boise Parks and Rec. One element of the Preserve will be 16 Peace Poles, each sponsored by a club or Rotary youth group or Action Group.
Each pole will have the sponsoring club or group's name and motto on one face ('Nampa Rotary, where we build relationships and make a difference here and in the world!'), a picture and description of a flora (Shrubby Cinquefoil) and fauna (Mink) that might be found in the Preserve on a second face, a peaceful or inspirational word or phrase ('Serve in Peace') in 4-6 languages including English on the third face and the 4-way Test or other design on the fourth face. There will also be a podium on each pole to display storybook pages, or artwork and writings from local schools, authors and others.
In sponsoring a Peace Pole, our club is expected to contribute $1500. Our board has generously offered to match up to $750 in member donations. If each of our members donate $20, we'd meet or exceed our goal. All donations will go toward the development of the park. The link to donate is: In addition to the Peace Pole, the Preserve has and will continue to offer our members volunteer opportunities, as well as a peaceful environment to enjoy into the future.
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) we are excited for our 6th session in a 12-part Executive Leadership Training series presented by Ron Price and his colleagues at Price Associates. This is a great meeting to invite a guest to and introduce them to Rotary and our club. You can even bring a coworker if you would like. To make sure that we schedule the correct amount of food, we do ask that you register and pay for any guests online:
If you haven't been to a meeting in a while, come join us on Tuesdays at noon!
A reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday December 14 our club is Ringing the Salvation Army bell at the Nampa Fred Meyer. Join us as we enter the Nampa Service Club challenge to see who will raise the most money for the Salvation Army. There are still a couple spots that could use another person.
2021 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Fred Meyer
Dec 14, 2021 9:00 AM - Dec 14, 2021 7:00 PM
Fred Meyer on the Boulevard 50 2nd Street South Nampa, ID United States of America 83651
We'd love to have you sign up to encourage shoppers to fill up the buckets for our community members in need. Please contact Patrick Tanner ( for more details or with questions.
Register Online - Click on the big yellow button on the left that says, "2021 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Fred Meyer."
Dates of the conference are June 12-16 and there is lots of additional information on the website. If you have any questions about the International Conference, please contact Gene at
It is with great sadness to announce the loss of long-time Nampa Rotarian Frank Lara. He passed away on December 1, 2021 at the age of 92. I searched the Nampa Rotary archives and found the above picture where Honey had visited him in 2018 after his knee surgery.
The Funeral Service will be held at the Zeyer Funeral Chapel on Saturday, December 18th at 1pm. It is located at 83 North Midland Blvd. in Nampa.
Last notice to nominate a member for the board. We will be voting very soon. If you have a nomination for Vice President, Board Member, or Nampa Rotary Foundation board member, please email Tim Beck at and/or Dave Nejely at .
Above is a picture that was in the newspaper from 1960 that Denny Ellis gave me of his dad ringing the Salvation Army bells. What a great longstanding tradition to help the Salvation Army which helps those in need in our local community.
We have 2 upcoming service projects with the Salvation Army that you can be a part of.
1. Wednesday December 8- Serving lunch at the Nampa Salvation Army Shelter. I think I've gotten the time wrong everytime I send this out, but I believe the time is from 11:15 to 12pm. Please confirm with Patrick Tanner if you plan on attending.
2. Tuesday December 14- Ringing the Salvation Army bell at the Nampa Fred Meyer. Join us as we enter the Nampa Service Club challenge to see who will raise the most money for the Salvation Army.
2021 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Fred Meyer
Dec 14, 2021 9:00 AM - Dec 14, 2021 7:00 PM
Fred Meyer on the Boulevard 50 2nd Street South Nampa, ID United States of America 83651
We'd love to have you sign up to encourage shoppers to fill up the buckets for our community members in need. Please contact Patrick Tanner ( for more details or with questions.
Register Online - Click on the big yellow button on the left that says, "2021 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Fred Meyer."
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! For those that joined us last Tuesday, it was a great joint meeting with the Kiwanis club. Tomorrow, our speaker is Mitch Minnette. He is the President and CEO of the Nampa Chamber of Commerce. Come join us for lunch at noon tomorrow as we hear what's going on with the Nampa Chamber of Commerce.
We have 2 upcoming service projects. The first project is serving lunch at the Salvation Army family shelter on Wednesday December 8 from 11:15am to 12pm.
The second project is bell ringing at the Fred Meyer in Nampa on Tuesday December 14th. Please email Patrick at if interested in either project.
Happy Thanksgiving week! This week we are hosting the Nampa Kiwanis club at our meeting. Beth Ineck will be our speaker. She is the Director of Economic Development for the Boise Valley Economic Partnership. Let's make sure that we have a good representation of our club while we host the Kiwanis. Also, let's make sure they feel welcome and spread out our seating so that we interact with them. Some of them may not know that there is a superior club in Nampa that they could attend :)
Tomorrow (Tuesday) we are excited for our 5th session in a 12-part Executive Leadership Training series presented by Ron Price and his colleagues at Price Associates. This is a great meeting to invite a guest to and introduce them to Rotary and our club. You can even bring a coworker if you would like. To make sure that we schedule the correct amount of food, we do ask that you register and pay for any guests online:
On Tuesday November 22nd, we will be hosting Kiwanis at our regular lunch meeting to kick off the Salvation Army Bell Ringing season (contest). Let's make sure to have a great showing of members!
If you haven't been to a meeting in a while, come join us on Tuesdays at noon!
We've got three upcoming service projects on the horizon.
The first opportunity is serving lunch at the Salvation Army Family Shelter on December 4th. If interested, please contact Patrick Tanner if you haven't already (
The 2nd volunteer opportunity is helping fill homeless student holiday care packages with the United Way of Treasure Valley on Thursday November 11th from 5pm-8pm at the Expo Idaho Premium Building (5610 N Glenwood St., Boise)
The last service project is Salvation Army Bell Ringing on December 14th. More details and a signup sheet will be coming out later for the Bell Ringing.
Make sure to join us tomorrow, Tuesday, October 26th at noon to listen to Randy Haverfield, current Nampa City Council president and incumbent for Nampa City Council seat #5. Also, we've got some great upcoming meetings in November to look forward to including our 5th Executive Leadership training on November 9th and a joint Kiwanis/Rotary meeting on Tuesday November 23rd.
We're excited to have Victor Rodriguez as our guest speaker tomorrow. He is the incumbent running for Nampa City Council Seat #1.
We have 2 upcoming service projects that more details will be coming out. November 10th, we will be serving lunch at the Nampa Salvation Homeless Shelter, and December 14th we will be bell ringing for the Salvation Army. Patrick will have more details later.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) we are excited for our 4th session in a 12-part Executive Leadership Training series presented by Ron Price and his colleagues at Price Associates. This is a great meeting to invite a guest to and introduce them to Rotary and our club. You can even bring a coworker if you would like. To make sure that we schedule the correct amount of food, we do ask that you register and pay for any guests online:
If you haven't been to a meeting in a while, come join us on Tuesdays at noon!
We are extremely excited to hear from our very own Nampa Mayor, Debbie Kling tomorrow! Please make an effort to show up tomorrow (10/5) at noon at the Nampa Holiday Inn Express & Suites. Let's make sure we have a great crowd to welcome her. The following week (10/12) will be our 4th Executive Leadership Training session with Ron Price and his colleagues at Price Associates. Both meetings would be great opportunities to invite a guest.
We've got a great speaker lined up for tomorrow. Come hear from Karen Appelgren from the Idaho Department of Commerce. She is a business strategist, marketing and finance professional, and economic development specialist with experience in corporate, small business, startup, nonprofit and government environments. She is passionate about connecting people, resources and ideas to create opportunities for success for individuals, organizations, and communities.
Where: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Nampa- 4104 E Flamingo Ave, Nampa, ID 83687
Make sure to attend tomorrow's meeting at noon to hear from Tom Dale, retired politician (former Nampa Mayor and Canyon County Commissioner) and local leader in our community.
When: Tuesday September 21
Location: Nampa Holiday Inn Express & Suites
4104 E Flamingo Ave, Nampa, ID 83687 (behind St. Als at Garrity and the Freeway)
Tomorrow we are excited for our 3rd session in a 12-part Executive Leadership Training series presented by Ron Price and his colleagues at Price Associates. This has been a great series and we have averaged about 35 attendees with lots of guests. This is a great meeting to invite a guest to and introduce them to Rotary and our club. You can even bring a coworker if you would like. To make sure that we schedule the correct amount of food, we do ask that you register and pay for any guests online:
We've also got a great lineup of speakers coming up including Tom Dale- Retired Politician and local leader (Sept. 21), Karen Applegate- Idaho Department of Commerce (Sept. 28), and Nampa Mayor Debbie Kling (Oct. 5). We've got a great new home to meet for our weekly Tuesday luncheons at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites (4104 E Flamingo Ave, Nampa, ID 83687) with lots of room and we've had some great food lately as well. Instead of ordering from one place, we now have a food committee that orders from different places each week to get a good variety of food. If you haven't been to a meeting in a while, come join us on Tuesdays at noon!
Make sure to attend our weekly lunch meeting tomorrow at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites (behind St. Als at Garrity/Freeway). Our Speaker will be Hannah McGee, who is the founder of IHeart2C Instagram page and Empowered Women Connect.
Thank you to everyone that came out to help support the Golf for Hope tournament on Friday! It was extremely busy day for the volunteers, but turned out to be a successful event and a good representation for our Nampa Rotary Club to the community.
We are so excited to welcome you this Friday, August 27th for our 31st Annual Golf 4 Hope fundraiser! Thank you for your continued support! It takes everybody, including you, to make this a successful event. Our goal is to make sure everyone has a fun time and to be able to raise a lot of money for charity! Here are some of the event details for the day.
Friday, August 27th
Ridgecrest Golf Club
3730 Ridgecrest Dr | Nampa, Idaho | 83687
7:30-8:15am- Registration and Check-in
Please make sure each individual player registers inside the clubhouse.
A “grab-and-go” lite breakfast is available which includes breakfast burritos, donuts, coffee and juice
Raffle tickets will be available for purchase at the registration table in the clubhouse. 3 for $5 or a full wingspan for $20. We have over $3500 in raffle items this year, so make sure to purchase your raffle tickets and win some great items.
Team Mulligan Package (1 per team) will be available for purchase for $100 at the registration table which includes 10 mulligans, 5 putt mulligans, and a licorice rope for putting.
Complimentary range balls will be available for warm up
7:30-8:10am- Putting Contest- Sponsored by The Leon Baker Team at Academy Mortgage
There will be a putting contest beginning at 7:30am at the practice green. Purchase a ticket inside the clubhouse at the registration table to participate. $5 for 3 putts
Make sure to hit your putts early before it gets busy because at 8:10am, we are going to cut off the preliminary round and have the final contestants putt.
Prizes are Ridgecrest Clubhouse gift cards for $50, $35, and $25
8:25am- Please make sure everyone is in their carts for last instructions and Shotgun Start
Each team will be assigned 2 carts. Feel free to strap the 5th golf bag onto one of the carts and you can ride standing on the back of the cart.
There will be several Rotary sponsored tents at holes handing out complimentary drinks and snacks
Ridgecrest will be running a beverage cart where alcohol is available for purchase (bring cash)
Kids from the Hope House will be on a hole selling raffle tickets for 4 tickets to the BSU vs OK State football game. Make sure to bring some cash and support these great kids!
Win a $45,000 Toyota Tacoma with a Hole in One- Sponsored by Edmark Toyota
A big thanks to 208 Travel Agency, Columbia Bank, College of Western Idaho, Idaho Central Credit Union, Les Schwab, Maui Wowi, and Treasure Valley Rossiter for hosting hospitality tents at the different holes.
1:30pm-2:30pm- Lunch, Awards and Raffle drawings
As your team finishes, head to the clubhouse for lunch and make sure to turn in your scorecard
Team prizes for 1st and 2nd place and also the most average team (14th place).
Individual prizes for Men’s Long Drive, Women’s Long Drive, Over 55 Long Drive, Men’s Closest to the Pin, and Women’s Closest to the Pin.
Lobsterfest Online Auction- opens Friday, September 3 at 8:00 a.m. and runs through Sunday September 12, at 5:00 pm
Continue to support the Nampa Rotary Club by participating in our Multi-Rotary club online auction. Please register for free to bid on items at this link:
As an additional incentive to register, along with a drawing for $!00 Amazon Gift Card, if your entire team is registered under the Nampa Rotary Club, your team will get one stroke off your final score.
If you win a bid, and you are registered under the Nampa Rotary Club, our club receives 45% of the proceeds. So please feel free to bid and share the link with others.
Last, but certainly not least, a HUGE thank you to all of our sponsors and teams! Please make sure to support these businesses!
If there is anything we can do to make your day better, please let us know.
Hope everyone has a GREAT day! See you Friday morning!
We are excited to have Holly Beech as our speaker tomorrow. After graduating from NNU, she began working as a reporter for the Idaho Press and worked her way up to be the Managing Editor. She recently left the Idaho Press to start a new role with the Idaho Office of Refugees. Please make time to come to our regular lunch meeting tomorrow.
It was great to hear from our District Governor Russell Johnson last week. He had a great message of the many things that Rotary is doing both locally and globally. One of the highlights that stuck out to me is the recent update on Rotary International's mission to eradicate Polio from the globe. From my understanding, for the past 3 years, there has only been polio cases in 2 countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Russell mentioned that there hasn't been a new case of polio in the world in 6 months. A big milestone is to go one year without a case, so everybody is holding their breath when the latest updates are released each month. We are so close to eradicating Polio from the globe!
Please make sure to join us tomorrow for our weekly lunch meeting, at 12pm August 17th at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites (behind St. Als/Garrity/Freeway), as our speaker will be Rotary District 5400 Governor, Russell Johnson from Idaho Falls. Let's make sure we have a good representation of members at this meeting. This is also a great opportunity to invite guests!
Board members, Governor Johnson would like to meet with us after our meeting, so please try to make time to stay after the meeting.
If you weren't able to make last week's regular lunch meeting, it was our 2nd part of a 12 week executive leadership training series with Ron Price and his team at Price Associates. It was a perfect storm where Ron and all his team members were traveling for that day, and so Ron created a personalized video for our club. We've gotten permission from Ron to be able to share the link. Here is a link to the video if you wanted to share it with anybody:
LobsterFest 2021 is back! Given all the issues with Covid 19, it will be a virtual auction again this year, Sep 3-12, 2021. There will be an in-person celebration event held outside at the Boise Riverside Hotel on Sep 11. This is a great fundraiser with minimal effort. We all just need to spread the word. You can help in 2 ways.
1. The easiest way to help, is to is to sign up and buy something from the online auction, or get others to sign up under our club. Anyone that registers for the auction under the Nampa Rotary Club, and wins an auction, then our club receives 50% . We're going to make a strong push to get golfers at our Golf 4 Hope event signed up to buy something. Register for the online auction here:
2.We also need items donated to the auction. Thank you Patrick and CWI for starting us off with a great donation and donating a $5,000 CWI Scholarship! Some ideas of items that tend to sell well: sharing your hobby or sport is a good way of offering something at low cost to you and unique to the buyer. Home cooked meals, airplane rides, raft trips, painting lessons, second homes all make good auction items. If you have an item to donate, or have questions, please let Tim Beck know at
Thank you Amy Stahl for coordinating this years Backpack and School Supplies program, and also thank you to those people that so graciously donated funds to help out! The need is very great, Margie and the Salvation Army have over 600 kids signed up that are in need of backpacks and school supplies. Thank you for your donations to be able to help buy needed supplies for these kids in need!
Join us for our weekly Tuesday lunch meeting on Tuesday August 3 as we here from Tim Milburn. He will be speaking on, "The Second Act", starting a business after age 50. We will be meeting at our new home, the Nampa Holiday Inn Express & Suites.
This is a reminder that we are back at our new "home" location tomorrow. Please make time to join us tomorrow Tuesday July 27th, at the Holiday Inn Express (4104 E Flamingo Ave, Nampa, ID 83687 behind the St. Als hospital off Garrity).
Our speaker will be Liberty (Barrett) Thompson (pictured above) from JEMFriends. In 2008, Liberty founded JEMfriends with the vision that each youth aging out of foster care would have opportunities to flourish in a society that understands their adversity and supports them in becoming loving adults. Currently, Liberty serves as executive director for JEMfriends, leading several programs that support aged-out youth, positively engaging many youth through personal mentoring and coaching, and increasing awareness of the needs of these youth.
Thank you to those that were able to make it to our field trip at the Idaho Small Business Development Center. So many great things going on in Nampa that we had no idea about. It was great to hear from a couple of the 19 businesses that operate out of this facility. Thank you Marie for hosting us and taking us on a tour.
For those that didn't make it, we also got to honor Marie Baker for receiving her Paul Harris +5! See the above picture where her pin was presented. Marie, we all want to thank you so much for all of your dedication to Rotary! Congratulations!
This is also a great reminder to all of us to make sure that we have contributed to the Rotary Foundation. Here is a link to give to the Rotary Foundation:
If you don't know your login, or don't have one, you can let me know (Tim Beck) and I can help walk you through.
We are less than 2 weeks away from our Golf 4 Hope event! We have tremendous support from the local businesses on teams and sponsor, in fact, we are SOLD OUT for teams! Now, we really need volunteers to sign up for the day of the tournament!
We need lots of help, so please recruit non-members or family members as well. We are especially in need of people to sign up from 8:15am-1:30pm to volunteer to sit at a hospitality tent at a hole and either hand out drinks, snacks, or run a raffle game. We are also looking for someone to take pictures of the teams as they come through.
We have 3 time slots that we need volunteers:
7am-8:30am- Setup and Registration (can be a golfer that is playing in the tournament)
8:15am-1:30pm- Volunteers to sit at hospitality tents at a hole and hand out drinks, snacks, or run a raffle/game. (non-playing golfers)
1:30pm-2:30pm- Cleanup (can be a golfer that played in the tournament)
On Saturday, June 26th, we had our annual banquet/picnic and inducted our new officers. Congratulations and thank you to our new board members for committing to volunteer your talents and time to help make our Nampa Rotary Club successful. We also want to thank longtime Nampa Rotary member Denny and his wife Cammy for hosting us all and giving us a ride on their train. We all had a great time! Thank you too to our past president Bill Southworth for leading us through a difficult pandemic year.
Ron Price, best selling author, international speaker and Nampa Rotary Club member and his team at Price Associates are going to lead our club through a 12-part leadership training series. The sessions will be the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites in Nampa. Guests are invited, but we ask that you please register at this link before hand:
Plan to bring a guest or two tomorrow to Nampa Rotary at Brick 29. We are going to share why we are in Rotary and the impact we make in our community and our world. We have a thriving, vibrant club that has a servant heart. It is time to spread the word and help our friends Discover Rotary.
Looking forward to seeing all of you with your guests tomorrow.
The District 5400 Scholarship application for the 2017-2018 academic year is now taking applications. View instructions here and the application here.
This scholarship will award $1,000 to a college freshman during the 2017-2018 academic year who meets the scholarship criteria established by the District Scholarship Committee and maintains full time status. The recipient must reside in Rotary District 5400 and plan to attend a community college or university located within the state of Idaho. The recipient cannot be a child or grandchild of a Rotarian. The scholarship deadline is October 1.
This is the third year of this scholarship with the previous recipients being MaKia Perez of Rigby attending Idaho State University and Addie White of Boise (Boise High) attending the University of Idaho.
If applicants have questions, they may contact Shari Stroud, District 5400 Scholarship Chair at 208-539-5188 or
Do you know that more than 775 million people around the world over the age of 15 are illiterate, and over 60% of the world’s hungry are women and girls?
Rotary: making a difference through local and global grants to feed the hungry and teach others, particularly women, to read. This helps heal the hearts of many a community around the world.
Your generous donations to the Rotary Foundation provide the funds that are empowering Rotary around the world to “Get’er done”. So, go to Rotary Direct now and sign up to give a monthly gift of learning.
Mark Wilson, a Rotary Club member, said:
“When you teach somebody how to read, they have that for a lifetime. It ripples through the community, one by one. “
On July 13th, 75-year-old RI President-Elect Sam Owori passed from complications during surgery.
A member of Rotary Club Uganda for 40 years, Sam served many leadership roles within both his district and Rotary International. One
of many accomplishments during his service was growing the number of Uganda Rotary clubs from nine to 89 during his time as District Governor.
Sam served as the executive director of the African Development Bank, managing director of Uganda Commercial Bank Ltd and director of Uganda Development Bank prior to his recent position of chief executive officer of the Institute of Corporate Governance of Uganda.
His passion for Rotary was indisputable, and his influence will no doubt transcend the years he served as a role model for Uganda and the world.
The RI nominating committee will meet in August to interview candidates to take Sam's place. They have requested that candidates from the group Sam Owori was selected from, representing from Europe and Africa, resubmit their name for consideration (approximately 7-8 people).
The Hope House is planning to have a yard sale at the corner of Orchard and Middleton on June 30th and July 1st. Plan to stop by and support them if you possibly can.
Our Annual Banquet is a great event in which the baton is passed from the outgoing President to the incoming President. As well, we honor a non-Rotarian community member for their work in our community. Join us at the Ford Idaho Center Rodeo Club this Tuesday evening, June 20th. No-Host Bar will Start at 6:00 P.M. Dinner will be served at 6:30 P.M. Dinner will be a bit more casual this year. Spicy Sausage or Vegetarian Calzone, Italian Salad and Tiramisu. This event is free to the Rotarian and $20 for your guest. Please be prepared to pay for your guest at the event so we do not have to invoice you.
We are doing a book drive on Tuesday! Please bring books to donate (including children's books) to our Rotary lunch meeting this Tuesday. Thank you to Lynn Caba for leading this project!
Peppershock produced a video with District Governor Nominee Jennifer Deroin on the top reasons you should attend District Conference in beautiful Sun Valley May 19-20.
We just had our President Elect Training several weeks ago and the new President Elects set their goals for the upcoming year 2017-2018. One way to meet the goals of expanding membership is to survey your members to determine their level of engagement in your club and what changes may be necessary to enhance the Rotary experience. Here is a link to a survey to use. Feel free to connect with Marie Baker if you have questions on how to conduct the survey electronically.
Take the time to reach out to those in your club who are interested in membership and have them register for the Club Training in Twin Falls or Boise. We will be discussing recruitment, engagement, and retention of Rotary members.
Today our Club began a new quarterly tradition! Thanks to the food prepared and contributed by the Albertsons our Club members servedThe Salvation Army Nampa Community Family Shelter patrons a wonderful lunch along with our Rotarians. We all had a great time!
Save the date of May 4th for the second Rotary Night at the Zoo. The decision to host a second zoo night was based partially on the fund raising success of last year's event which brought in $6,800 for a global grant supporting Gorongosa Restoration Project in Mozambique but in larger part on a desire to recreate a night of Rotary fellowship amongst the flora and fauna of Zoo Boise which draws over 350,000 visitors annually. It's an ideal opportunity to show family members, coworkers and anyone interested in Rotary an opportunity to see first hand some of the projects supported by local Rotary clubs.
This year's Zoo Night will be organized somewhat differently with Rotary clubs Boise Sunrise, Boise East, Boise Southwest, and Boise Metro cosponsoring the event. 50% of the proceeds from the event will go the ZooTeen Program which provides local teens experience with educating Zoo Boise visitors as well as experience with teaching, leadership, and public speaking. The other 50% will go to the Rotary clubs sponsoring the event.
Same as last year tickets will be $20 for adults and $10 for youths. Price of admission includes feeding the giraffes and walking the wallabies. The event starts at 5:30 and runs until 9:00. Zoo concessionaire operations will be open with a special menu. Zoo Boise Director Steve Burns will provide an update on zoo news, events and operations. This year's event coincides with downtown Boise's First Thursday activities. And it's an opportunity to view first hand the progress of the work underway for the Rotary Grand Plaza being built immediately across from the zoo's entrance.
By now you should have received your District Conference Raffle Tickets! The winner gets a $4500 AAA Travel Credit. There are also some lesser prizes. Coolest thing? Whomever sells the winning tickets also wins the AAA Trip!!
This is a major fundraiser for the District. Proceeds are divided as follows:
1. Support Youth Exchange2. Support Club Attendance at District Conference (Clubs that sell tickets and send Rotarians to the Conference receive funds)3. Provides matching funds for Rotarians starting a new Paul Harris.
District Conference is just around the corner. Rotary will complete 100 years in Idaho with the Rotary Club of Boise celebrating their 100th Anniversary. This year’s theme is “Celebrate the Next 100 Years of Service!”
At the Friday lunch, this year’s celebration will start strong with the Club Showcase demonstrating all the good work that happening in each of our communities. Make sure your club is represented! We also have “Rotary Inspires Me” talks in the afternoon. This is an opportunity to share your Rotary story.
Friday evening, we will have a great group of speakers demonstrating the value of partnerships in Rotary projects. Greg Carr, an Idaho naive, will give an overview of his efforts to rehabilitate the Gorongosa Park in Mozambique. Steve Burns, Boise Zoo Director, will share the Zoo’s efforts to support the Gorongosa Park. Boise Sunrise will give an overview of a District project to support the area around the Park.
We have our exchange students and RYLA students front and center to begin Saturday. Greg Podd has also agree to provide some insight into Rotary International based on his experience as Rotary International Vice President last year. There will be time for your questions.
Dr. Bob Lupton, a New York Times’ best-selling author, presenting at lunch on Saturday. His book is the “Toxic Charity’ and his presentation will certainly change some of our thinking.
We have some fun activities for you to enjoy the Ketchum/Sun Valley area on Saturday afternoon. I would like to thank the Ketchum Sun Valley Club for their support. The activities are:
Art Tour
History Tour
Cooking Class
Wine Tasting
Saturday evening will complete our Celebration with recognition of Rotarians in the District, results of the raffle, and the passing of the gavel to the next District Governor. Greg Podd, Past Rotary International Vice President, will complete our celebration with his view of the “Future of Rotary.”
Please join me and bring a Rotarian from your club to “Celebrate the Next 100 Years of Service” on May 19-20 in Sun Valley. You can register at the Take advantage lower priced registration until April 17.
Remember the petition we all signed last year, asking the Idaho Legislature to approve Rotary license plates? Well, it passed the full Senate last week! Dave Shaw, who spearheaded the effort, reports, "Now it must go before the house and that is a heavier lift. We need all Rotarians to call their representatives in the Idaho house and support S1070." Let's make it happen!!
Remember the petition we all signed last year, asking the Idaho Legislature to approve Rotary license plates? Well, it passed the full Senate last week! Dave Shaw, who spearheaded the effort, reports, "Now it must go before the house and that is a heavier lift. We need all Rotarians to call their representatives in the Idaho house and support S1070." Let's make it happen!!
With support from the Rotary Club of Nampa, club member Kenton Lee will have a booth for The Shoe That Grows at the 2017 Rotary International Convention from June 10-14 in Atlanta.
The Shoe That Grows is a Nampa-based non-profit started in 2007 when Kenton was living and working in Nairobi, Kenya. One day while walking with the kids, he noticed a little girl in a white dress next to him who had shoes that were way too small for her feet. He thought: “Wouldn’t it be great if there was a shoe that could adjust and expand – so that kids always had a pair of shoes that fit?”
Kenton and his team struggled through rejection from shoe companies and failed attempts at prototypes, but after 5 years of hard work, they found a solution.
At the international convention, Kenton’s booth will be at the Friendship House.
“We essentially rely on connections and relationships with people who work with kids around the world,” Kenton said. “So this is a perfect opportunity to connect with people. There will be people from all over the world who care a great deal about "service about self" - especially to kids. And if they need good shoes for their kids - we think we have a great solution for that! We have been to a dozen or so conferences - and this should be the MOST people who are right in our wheelhouse of people who travel or live internationally and care a ton about helping kids.”
Every summer, 100 teenagers from around Idaho share a long weekend at the College of Southern Idaho for an intensive four day leadership camp. High school students who are incoming juniors to outgoing seniors are sponsored by Rotary clubs to attend the camp, with the Rotary club paying the $375 cost. The Rotary Youth Leadership Award camp, RYLA, is "For Youth, By Youth", meaning the camp is planned and lead by students who have previously attended. The camp is experiential; activities are hands-on and interactive, we avoid classroom style lectures.
The leadership training focuses on everyday leadership. To lead, you must believe in your own abilities. Being a leader means you work with others; seeing the world through their eyes. In the process, many life long friendships have been made. The RYLA experience is focused on guiding the students to discover a strong sense of confidence in oneself and expressing empathy for others, which is driven through the strong supportive environment created during the long weekend. RYLA allows these one hundred teenagers to identify and celebrate their abilities. In the process, many life long friendships have been made.
Applications and brochures are available on the District Website.
Did you know that 48 Rotarians from Idaho are already registered for the Rotary International Conference in Atlanta? Would you like to join them to celebrate 100 years of the Rotary Foundation? Did you also know that Nampa Rotarian, Kenton Lee, Founder and Inventor of The Shoe That Grows will be in the House of Friendship, showcasing his social solution? Consider joining us in Atlanta, June 10th through the 14th to celebrate all things Rotary, and then be ready to come home and celebrate 100 Years of Rotary in Idaho, in Boise on June 22nd and 24th.
We are close to getting legislative approval for an Idaho specialty license plate with the Rotary logo. This will be a great way to increase visibility for Rotary and there would also be some funds that come back the the organization (to RI, to the district, and to our club foundation).
Senate Bill 1070 will come to a vote on either February 20 or 21! (Very soon!)
Can you help us get support for this?
Please take two or three minutes to call your state senator and urge him or her to vote Yes on Senate Bill 1070.
Call/Email Script:
Hello Senator ______, my name is ________, I’m a Rotary member associated with the _______ Rotary Club. The reason for my call/email today is in regards to Senate Bill 1070. This is the legislation aimed at creating a Rotary Specially License Plate. The bill should be before the Senate in the next few days and I would appreciate your “yes” vote on this bill. Thank you for your support.
ROTARY SPECIALTY LICENSE PLATE > requesting your help today
Friday, March 3rd, is the Fred Christensen Recognition Day at the Nampa Train Depot at 11:00 a.m. Fred's family, son Marc, son Eric, and wife Dottie, all plan to attend. A check from the Canyon County Sunrise Rotary Club in the amount of $1,000 will be presented to Larry Cain of the Canyon County Historical Society for the Nampa Train Depot--maintenance and repair along with a beautiful plaque honoring Fred Christensen. Fred was a member of our Nampa Rotary Club for 20 years, and we hope everyone in our club will mark the date on their calendar and be able to attend.
Relay For Life will be June 9th & 10th at Caldwell High School this year. We need one or two people to head up our Nampa Rotary Relay For Life Team....will you help?? Please see Rhonda VanOrder to help with this wonderful event.
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend “A Light in the Window” Celebration on Friday, March 10, 2017, at the Nampa Civic Center from 6-10 p.m.
The Family Justice Center Foundation of Idaho is sponsoring ‘A Light in the Window’ Celebration Event for the Nampa Family Justice Center! This is our fundraising event for the year, previously the ‘Hearts of Hope Gala.' All the proceeds/profits from the Celebration will be used for client services. You may ask, “What type of services does the NFJC provide to their clients?” Here are a few examples of how your sponsorship/donation is used:
Gas cards, bus passes, taxi/uber
Diapers, wipes
Eye glasses
Safe housing, utilities
Changing/re-keying door locks
Emergency phones
Counseling for children and adults
Groups for teens and elder clients
All of the services provided are done on an as-needed basis and determined by the advocate working with the client. Come and support this event and find out more about ‘A Light in the Window.' Look for more information in the coming weeks.
If you would like to purchase tickets as part of the Nampa Rotary table, please talk to Rhea! We want to help support this great event!
Celebrate 100 years of Rotary in Idaho on June 24th! Get your tickets now! If you want to sit at the Rotary Club of Nampa table at this event happening at the Boise Centre East Ballroom on June 24th, be sure to let Rhea Allen or Jennifer Deroin know you've purchased your tickets, and we can make sure you're sitting with or near us!
Attention Board Members: Due to weather conditions causing a couple board meeting cancellations, please plan to stay after our regular lunch meeting on Tuesday for a special board meeting. We have a few very important items we need to discuss. Thank you!
Here are a bunch of fun pics from our annual Christmas party last week. A wonderful time was had by all with a live jazz band, Christmas trivia with prizes from Flying M Coffee/Concert Garage (host of trivia night every Tuesday at 7pm), a nice dinner, an "elfie selfie photo booth," and an amazing dessert auction raising money for a great cause and beautiful decorations and cookies galore! Well done to our fabulous Christmas party subcommittee!
So proud of our club's support of the Canyon County Festival of Trees in support of the Meals on Wheels programs in Nampa and Caldwell. This trio of slim trees was decorated by Lynn Caba, Vickie Holbrook and the Chris Jensen family.
Writing may be in the form of an Essay, Short Story, Anecdote, etc.
Please share the relevance water plays in your life and the lives of your family and friends.
You may include a photo or illustration with your writing submission.
Writing submissions should be 1,000 words or less.
All submissions will be reviewed before posting
Posted Submissions will be available and visible from the library’s webpage:
Photos or Illustrations that relate to your writing, welcome.
Submitted photos or illustrations may be printed or copied for display during the Writer’s Showcase.
In Three Waves, we will ask for people to send us their stories Online
Wave One – Water is Where We Play (Beginning September 7)
Tell us of your time relaxing and play in or around water.
(Boating, Fishing, Swimming, Skiing, Running in Sprinklers, and other unique experiences.)
Wave Two – Water is Sacred (Beginning October 1)
Share the significance of water in your faith, your personal well-being, and your religious experiences. These may be personal to you or you may represent your community.
Wave Three – Home is Where the Water Is (Beginning October 24)
Each day we drink water, bathe in water, flush water, irrigate with water, wash with water, and more. People live where there is available water. Present your recollections and interactions with water.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 – Writer’s Showcase!
The Death Rattle Writer’s Festival & The Cabin are hosting an event where writers will be invited to share their Water Stories.
As you know, next year we'll celebrate "One Hundred Years of Rotary in Idaho", starting with the Boise downtown club in June. A special logo for the year's celebration has been unveiled. It was designed by Jeff Leedy of the Boise club.
Carla and I are just about done with our Club visits. It is bitter sweet ending. We have driven about 12,000 miles since July 1. I am happy to stop driving, but the experience visiting all the clubs is truly wonderful and difficult to describe. We have met 100’s of Rotarians each month that anyone would be proud to call their friend. We have been warmly welcomed in every location. We have learned more about Idaho and all of its communities. I am amazed at all the things that each club does to support their community and make it a better place for everyone. Thank you for the wonderful experience and I will always remember your kindness to me and to all those in your towns that need help.
November is Foundation Month. This is the time when we reflect on all the good the Rotary Foundation has done. We are celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation this year and it will culminate with a celebration at the Atlanta Convention in June.
Foundation giving has grown over the years and I want to make certain that I thank all of you who give generously to the Foundation. Much of the growth in giving has come from a smaller and smaller group of Rotarians as membership has declined in our District. When we look at the Foundation, we must all consider the need for more members to help with the giving. So the Foundation and Membership are tied together. One of the necessary things we must do to grow membership is to increase our Public Image efforts. The more people know about Rotary, the more members we will have and the more members we have, benefits the Foundation. This is my convoluted way of demonstrating that Membership and Public Image are all important and directly impact the Foundation. Please support the Rotary Foundation—the engine of Rotary!!!
Rake up Nampa crew with Skyview Interact Club! Great team effort! Dozens of rakes, four ladders, two leaf blowers, four houses, energetic volunteers, Boom! #100actsofgood
A few of our awesome Nampa Rotarians (along with 800+ Rotarians from our zone) have been participating in the Rotary International Zones 21b and 27 Institute and the Young Professionals of Rotary Zone 21b-27 Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah. They are "serving humanity through Rotary." It's like a mini international convention, filled with incredible speakers, fellowship, and invaluable training, actions, tools, and activities to accomplish change!
Nampa Rotarians purchasing "coats for kids" at Burlington Coat Factory for The Salvation Army Nampa Idaho. JB Miesegaes is chairing this project and doing a great job! You can still bring coats to our meeting on Tuesday. Let's keep our local kids warm this winter!
We are pleased to join the Rotary Club of Canyon Sunrise from 5-7 pm Oct. 24 at the Nampa Public Library to raise awareness about World Polio Day. Learn more about the need to eradicate polio with a walk in downtown Nampa.
What a wonderful evening of fellowship, fun and amazing community support for The Salvation Army Nampa Idaho at their annual dinner and auction event! Thank you to David Vauk CPA for sponsoring the Rotary table and to our fabulous Public Image Committee Chair Vickie Holbrook for decorating and orchestrating the table!
Here is just a glimpse of what it looks like when a few great Rotary Club of Nampa Rotarians give out dictionaries to 3rd graders! Our club is handing a dictionary to every single 3rd grader in the Nampa School District and other Nampa area schools! These are for the kids to keep, take home and use! #100ActsOfGood
*please note this photo was pre-approved to post, all children have image release forms on file at their school.
The Rotary Foundation has received the highest possible score from Charity Navigator, an independent evaluator of charities in the U.S.
In the most recent ratings, released on 1 September, The Rotary Foundation earned the maximum 100 points for both financial health and accountability and transparency.
The ratings reflect how efficiently Charity Navigator believes the Foundation will use donations, how well it has sustained programs and services, and its level of commitment to good governance and openness.
In the previous rating, the Foundation had received 97 points.
Have a laptop that is a few generations old but still works great and you want to see do some good? Or an old iPhone lying around that you’re no longer using and don’t know what to do with? Semilla Nueva’s field team will put them to excellent use!
Why we need working laptops: Our field technicians, all lifelong farmers, are going back to school with generous funds from Semilla Nueva grantor the InterAmerican Foundation. They are taking computer classes to learn to create reports and tools that will help us reach as many farmers across Guatemala that we possibly can with better crops to change the face of malnutrition. They just need access to their own computers, and preferably laptops so they can travel with them when working with partners from diverse communities across the nation.
On the office side, our team has been working hard to program, promote, and finance our efforts in the field. Some of our fellows and staff have had their computers turn off various times, despite multiple fixes. We are currently launching a biofortified seed breeding program, allowing us to make sure we have commercially competitive seeds, and then innovatively marketing the seed to farmers in the biggest corn producing regions, who provide the majority of corn to the rest of the country. We cannot do this without working laptops to use at meetings in the office, the field, and at partner sites!
Why we need iPhones with decent cameras: The smartphones our Semilla Nueva team uses have connected us through group messaging so that everyone can have access to information, which has been crucial for efficiency in communications. However, some are of poor quality, and we need pictures to ask and give advice between staff and with partner organizations. We need to be able to reach out when problems arise, and being able to snap a shot out in the field makes a huge difference. Now, more than ever, as our Semilla Nueva team grows, we need to stay connected as we travel across the southern coast and throughout Guatemala.
If you have a working laptop of unlocked smartphone with a quality camera that you are no longer using, we could really use those, too! Email Eve Dolkart at or call 802-777-4146 so we can coordinate pick up in exchange for a well-earned tax credit for your donation.
Eve Dolkart
International Relations and Outreach Officer
+(502) 3015-9965
Skype: edolkart
Want to receive updates on Semilla Nueva? Sign up for our newsletter, and find us on Facebook or Twitter!
Rotary Young Professional day was kicked off with some words from Rotary District 5400's District Governor Jim Hogge and international speaker Ron Price. These young professionals performed a day of service at the Idaho Youth Ranch Hays Shelter! That's how good is done! #100actsofgood
Thank you to Nichols Accounting for being our August sponsor! Jennifer Deroin will be hosting an After-Hours Fellowship at their new office building on Wednesday, August 30th, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Their new building is located at 6075 Hunt Ave. in Nampa. Stop in and visit with Jennifer and your fellow Rotarians!
Nampa Rotarians gathered at Hope House last Tuesday night to see a recently completed playground, eat with students and tour the facility. Rotarians also made a donation of $5,000 for a future youth-oriented project. The donation comes from Rotary's annual Golf for Hope event that was held earlier this year.
A year ago, the home for unwanted children received a $10,000 donation from the Nampa Rotary Club (raised in 2014 and 2015) to help with the construction of a new playground named "Peaceful Point." Total cost of the playground was $22,000 and several contributions above and beyond Rotary's donation provided the funds to build the wheelchair accessible playground. Hope House supports 67 students with 42 students living on campus. Hope House founder DonnaLee Velvick said the playground is a place for kids to find tranquility and relax, a place to sit, reflect, to play ... a place to have an opportunity to have a private moment in a loud kid environment.
"Thank you for your vision in allowing us to function allow us to make this happen," Velvick said. "We are so grateful to Rotary and many others that supported us....we are just so grateful." #100ActsofGood
Sign up for Rotary Direct and get 200 foundation recognition points (PLUS our own Frank Lara has offered to add 100 points to this)
Must attend one of the 3 regional Foundation seminars in September & October, 2016, to be eligible for this promotion;
Sign up for recurring payments to the Annual Fund – SHARE anytime between July 1, 2016 and October 31, 2016;
Minimum amount - $10 monthly, $25 quarterly or $100 annually (annual payments must be scheduled to begin no later than December 2016);
Sign up on line at or complete a form at your seminar and give it to PDG Marianne.
Tell Marianne so she knows to transfer the points to you (or to someone else of your choosing -- e.g. family member, friend, deserving Rotarian);
Points will be transferred when your club’s CRS reflects the first payment and lists you as a new Rotary Direct participant;
Points are a gift from Rotarian Mike Byrne, Rigby Rotary Club;
Rotarians who received points in similar promotions from District 5400 in the last 24 months are not eligible
Foundation recognition points count toward your Paul Harris Fellow
Won't you join us for a Foundation seminar and help us meet our goal of 100 new Rotary Direct participants in this centennial year of The Rotary Foundation. Please register for the seminar of your choice at I'm looking forward to seeing you in Pocatello, Boise or Twin Falls - Rotary Serving Humanity!
Yours in Rotary,
Marianne Barker, PDG
D5400 Rotary Foundation Chair
(208) 308-5617
This week at #Rotary, Ron Price received his Paul Harris Fellow+1 and we heard from the RYLA students, Traynor Underwood, Katy Barrett and Jazzy Bradley. They told us about their excellent time at camp this past summer, which included a ropes course, leadership skills building and a lot of lifetime friendships and wonderful memories made.
Greetings my fellow Rotarians! We have received the shipment of dictionaries for our annual Dictionary Project where we provide a dictionary to every 3rd grader in the Nampa School District.
This is a fun and exciting project for our club as we get to go out into our community's schools and engage with the kids, while providing them with a tool that can enhance their learning for the new school year.
The project is a great way for member involvement in a few different ways AND it will take all of us participating to complete as we have over 1,500 dictionaries to deliver.
*1 label per book to be placed on the inside cover of the dictionary.*
*Library Open hours work best for dictionary labeling.*
Mondays-Thursdays 10AM - 7PM,
Fridays 10AM - 6PM
Saturdays 10AM - 5PM
Library closed Monday, September 5th.
Check in at the Borrower Services desk and ask for Theresa, Ezequiel, or Mike to let them into the bus garage.
- A table is set up with the sticker labels and boxes.
*1 label per book to be placed on the inside cover of the dictionary*
-Place labeled books back in boxes when completed.
When volunteers finish their shift, please have them notify library staff.
Once completed we will send out a follow up to register for delivering these throughout the community.
Thank you for your participation and support in this project.
Any questions, please feel free to reach out to Dan Walters or Lynne Caba.
Play Ground Dedication & BBQ: We will join together with the Hope House kids and staff for a BBQ, playground dedication and to perform an Act of Good by cheering the kids on at their game. Wear your 100 Acts of Good t-shirt!
5:30 pm Meet at K-Mart Parking Lot off Karcher Rd. to car-pool to Hope House.
6:00 pm Meet at Hope House for Play Ground Dedication & BBQ
Hope House
7696 S Bruneau Hwy
Marsing, ID 83639
Click below to register yourself and a guest for the Hope House BBQ & Playground Dedication. Member meals will be paid by the club. Guest meals will cost $11.00. You can pay with cash or check at the event.
Rotary clubs of District 6200 are collecting relief funds to help thousands of victims after record flooding devastated communities in southern Louisiana, USA, earlier this month. Torrential rains caused rivers, streams, and bayous to swell, damaging or destroying more than 60,000 homes and killing at least 13 people.
The U.S. Coast Guard and emergency responders helped rescue more than 30,000 residents from the rising flood waters. As of 25 August, more than 3,000 residents were still in emergency shelters even after the water receded.
Rotary's member benefits program gives Rotary and Rotaract club members access to discounts on a variety of products and services selected with their interests in mind.
Rotary Global Rewards offers discounts on vehicle rentals, hotels, dining, and entertainment. Products and services from companies around the world are being added every week. Check back often to see what’s new in Rotary Global Rewards.
Tell us how you've benefited from Rotary Global Rewards. Share your #rotarystory on social media or email us at
Anyone can view the offers and discounts on Rotary Global Rewards. But onlyRotary and Rotaract club members who are signed in to their My Rotary accounts can redeem them. You can access and redeem rewards from your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
Rotaractors must be in our records to redeem or add offers on Rotary Global Rewards. If after signing in to your My Rotary account, you are unable to use Rotary Global Rewards, send your Rotaract club name and membership start date using your My Rotary sign-in email so we can update your membership in our database. Please allow 3-5 business days for the change to take effect.
Rotary and Rotaract club members can now offer discounts on products and services from their own businesses. You can choose to make your offer available to people in your community, your region, or around the world.
After signing in to your My Rotary account, select the Create a New Offer tab on Rotary Global Rewards. Need more help? Refer to How to create an offer (PDF).
For questions related to a specific offer, please contact the company directly using the contact information in the offer. If you're unable to resolve the issue with the company, please tell us so we can troubleshoot the problem. Select the flagged link under Claim Offer.
All offers are subject to availability and may change or be withdrawn at any time. Additional restrictions may apply. See the provider’s terms and conditions for more information.
A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck central Italy early Wednesday, killing more than 240 people and trapping an unknown number beneath rubble. Tremors were felt as far away as Rome, 100 km (65 miles) southwest of the quake's epicenter.
International disaster relief agency and Rotary International project partner ShelterBox is sending a response team from its headquarters in the United Kingdom to the remote mountainous area of Italy where the destruction is most severe. The response team will arrive Friday, 26 August, to assess the area's needs.
Luca Della Volta, president of ShelterBox Italia, the affiliate organization in Genoa, will accompany the response team. Della Volta is working with the Rotary Club of Rieti in District 2080, the club closest to the earthquake-affected sites, and will meet with officials of the Italian Civil Protection Department, fire department, and Red Cross to coordinate efforts.
If families and individuals made homeless by the disaster need emergency shelter, ShelterBox will send tents and other equipment from its locations in Italy and other sites across Europe. Della Volta says the most urgent need is for tents and relief supplies for the hospital of Rieti, where most of the patients from the destroyed hospital in Amatrice were taken.
"I am truly heartbroken over what has happened," says Della Volta, charter president of the Rotary E-Club of 2042 Italia. "As Rotarians, we are always available to help people in need."
Rotary members, their families and friends can support Rotary’s work by bidding on antiques, artwork, jewelry, and collectibles through eBay Live Auctions events.
Each month, Rotary will promote on its social media outlets a set of upcoming Live Auctions events, and eBay, the world’s largest auction website, will donate a portion of all sale proceeds from those events to Rotary.
Live Auctions events enable buyers to participate in auctions across the United States — held at such auction houses as Sotheby’s, Swann, and Freeman’s — without leaving home. Under this proceeds-sharing agreement, only U.S. auction sales are eligible.
Save the date for the fall Rotary Foundation seminar in your region: Sept. 10 in Pocatello, Sept. 24 in Boise and Oct. 15 in Twin Falls. Learn about Annual Fund-SHARE and the effort to eradicate polio. Learn about reporting requirements for district grants and hear the stories of Rotarians working throughout the world on global grant projects. Is there something in particular you’d like us to include? Let me know:
In 1967, Fred and Dottie moved to Nampa, Idaho, where Fred found his life's work, becoming owner and CEO of Graybill Wholesale Co. In Idaho, Fred and his family spent many happy days hiking or backpacking deep in the backcountry, fishing Idaho's bountiful trout streams, cross-country skiing with friends, and hunting for Idaho's astounding variety of small game.
In Nampa, Fred became a pillar of the community. As a proud Rotarian for more than 50 years, Fred led the Nampa Rotary's efforts to save the City's beautiful Union Pacific passenger depot, which now houses the Canyon County Historical Museum. Fred also founded and served as President of the Canyon Sunrise Rotary Club, where he always proudly wore the pin marking him as a Paul Harris Fellow.
A memorial service will be held for Fred on August 18 at 4:00 p.m. at the First United Presbyterian Church, 400 Lake Lowell Avenue, Nampa. Fred's ashes will be committed to the Snake River during a reception at the Sunny Slope house, 20805 Lowell Road, on August 19 at 3 p.m. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations in Fred's name to the Idaho Wildlife Federation (, the Rotary Foundation (, or the Canyon County Historical Society.
Let's show our District Governor what a GREAT club we have here in Nampa with a BIG turnout of members at our Tuesday lunch! Please plan to be at the lunch on Tuesday as we hear from District Governor, Jim Hogge!
Are you reading your "the rotarian" magazine? It is full of great information and articles! You can also view it online at the link below. Check it out!
Becoming a Paul Harris Fellow is an honor to Rotarians. Frank Lara has accumulated an abundance of Paul Harris Fellow points and has generously offered to transfer some of his extra points to a Nampa Rotary member or members who are working towards becoming a Paul Harris Fellow. Email Frank at and let him know what your needs are. He may be able to assist you.
Boise Sunrise Rotary and Boise Southwest Rotary are pleased to present the 8th Annual LobsterFest Fundraiser on Friday, September 9. All proceeds from this evening of great food and fun directly benefit charitable organizations in the Treasure Valley, including Hope House, as well as Rotary youth programs.
What: 8th Annual Rotary LobsterFest
Where: CenturyLink Arena
233 S. Capitol Blvd.
When: Friday, Sept. 9
Doors at 5 p.m.
Everyone is invited to enjoy this great evening of fresh Maine lobster (or steak), silent and live auctions, drinks and entertainment. The event also includes a delicious dessert auction!
We anticipate welcoming 600 guests to LobsterFest this year. Non-Rotarians are encouraged to attend!
Individual LobsterFest tickets are $75, and corporate tables of 8 are available for $550. All money raised goes to support youth programs in the Treasure Valley.
If you have not already done so, please login to Clubrunner, and update your profile and your picture. You can do that by logging into Please also add your birthday (including the year) and the male/female information, so we can accurately track our club statistics for Rotary International.
If you have any trouble, contact Rhonda or Marie and they will help you.
Clash, Crash, Kaboom: 4 Generations in the 1 Workplace
Oct 20, 2015
Andy Fujimoto, AmeriBen/IEC Groups
Clash, Crash, Kaboom: 4 Generations in the 1 Workplace
Many influences are driving workers to stay employed longer and the pace of change is causing a wider and wider gap between the generations. Do generations see things differently or the same and how is one to be effective in this diverse work environment.
Andy Fujimoto, CEO of AmeriBen/IEC Group, has sifted through his experiences and study to call out the generations as they really are.
- See more at:
We have delivered over 3,000 dictionaries to 3rd and 4th graders. A huge thank you to 28 Rotarians who took the time to make this happen. A special thanks to Lynne Caba and Dan Walters for coordinating this effort! The teachers and students seemed very excited to receive the dictionaries so soon in the school year. Well done Rotarians!
Announcing an upcoming trip to Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa in November 2015 to participate in a polio immunization exercise, attend the 10th Annual West Africa Project Fair, and engage in a hands-on work project. Attached is detailed trip information. We have a limited amount of space and expect this trip to be filled in the next week or two.
Trip Dates: November 10 – 19, 2015
Travel to: Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa
Per Person Price: $1,779, double occupancy
Program includes: Hotel accommodations, transfers, most meals, polio immunization exercise, hands-on community service field work, West Africa Project Fair registration, special Rotary and fellowship events, sightseeing, etc.
In November 2015, North American Rotarians will travel to Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, for a life changing experience. Have you ever heard a Rotarian speak about their personal experience participating in a polio eradication exercise, a cleft lip/cleft palate mission, or work on a humanitarian grant? These trips have a profound effect upon the individual. For those of you who have gone on one of these trips you know, and for those of you who have yet to enjoy this experience, you should.
The experiences you have stay with you forever. You get up early in the morning, travel with local Rotarians to a village, health clinic or impoverished neighborhood, and for the next few hours, you change. Small children come up to you to say thank you. Mothers and fathers smile at you knowing that you are giving their child a chance for a better life. You meet with the leaders in the village to learn of their needs and their hopes. It is hot; it is dusty; it makes you uncomfortable; it is exquisite.
The West Africa Project Fair is endorsed by Rotary’s Reach Out to Africa Committee (ROTA), who is trying to generate greater connectivity between the African and North American Rotarians to generate greater support of the projects of Africa. Your involvement, or your club’s involvement, in this Fair would not only provide an opportunity for project support, it would also help your members to grow and to understand the benefits of being a Rotarian. Involvement in Rotary gives the ordinary Rotarian extraordinary opportunities to do things that they could never do anywhere else. This trip is just such an experience.
For more information contact: Bradford R. Howard, Rotary International Director, Zones 25-26, 2015-2017, (510)834-2260 or
Trip to Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa for Polio Immunization Exercise
Rodrigo Andres Moya Krstulovic from Santiago, Chile has arrived and will be attending Victory Charter School. He will be visiting our club soon to introduce himself to each of you. We are excited to have Rodrigo this year and help him as he learns about Idaho and the USA!
Thank you to Canyon County Historical Society for dedicating Rotary Park and recognizing the significant role that Rotary had in both the preservation of the Train Depot and the start of the Canyon County Historical Society. Sincere appreciation to all Nampa and Canyon County Sunrise Rotarians who came to witness the story, history and legacy on Saturday. Special thanks to District Governor, Ken Howell who took the time to join us and speak a few words about Rotary's commitment to "service above self". If you have the time, stop by the Depot, take a moment to read the monument in the park. It is worth your time!
A huge thank you to all the sponsors, players, & volunteers who made our 26th Annual Golf 4 Hope a great success. Thank you to Dan Walters for taking the lead again this year and continuing the legacy of our signature event! Great team effort!
Thank you to Honey Goodman and Brad Beckwith for organizing a great Family Picnic last Tuesday! We had a wonderful time with games and fellowship at Rotary Shelter at Liberty Park!